Trippy trio. |
Fooly Cooly, also known as FLCL, is an anime/OVA series about a middle school boy named Naota who lives with his father and grandfather in a small Japanese town. He hangs out with kids his age and his older brother's ex-girlfriend. His brother is in America playing baseball. Naota's life is pretty mundane, a fact that he mentions from the start of the city. This all changes with the arrival of Haruko Haruhara on her yellow Vespa. With a swing of her guitar to his head, Naota's life is turned upside down. Soon, big robots are erupting from his head periodically, including one with what appears to be a TV for his head named Canti.
Yeah, this show is weird and I haven't even gotten to the evil corporation named Medical Mechanica, the space pirate king called Atomsk, a secret agent with history with Haruko similar to Naota's using giant fake eyebrows to protect himself and the giant iron sitting menacingly on a hill in Naota's town.
Seriously. |
Plus a giant TV robot with a jacket that washes dishes. |
FLCL Progressive starts this weekend. FLCL Alternative comes in September. |
Sean Fields is an aspiring writer and has been in the education field for more than a decade. He works mostly with teenagers nowadays which both keeps him well informed on pop culture and makes his hair turn grayer daily. He has a few blogs but is currently focused on this one and this other one. You can also find him on Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram, if you want to be entertained or infuriated.
Ride On Shooting Star
Reviewed by SeanFields
Tuesday, May 29, 2018